Nicole Abi-Esber
Dr Nicole Abi-Esber is an expert on how leaders can empower employees to feel psychologically safe and speak up at work.
Areas of expertise
- Communications
- Leadership
- Managing Teams
- Managing Meetings
- Optimising Meetings
Dr Nicole Abi-Esber has a doctoral degree in Organizational Behaviour from the Harvard Business School, and is an Assistant Professor of Organisational Behaviour in the Management Department at The London School of Economics and Political Science. Whilst at Harvard, she taught Organisational and Consumer Behaviour and has published widely around the psychology of failure, feedback and criticism.
Her research examines how leaders can empower employees to feel psychologically safe and speak up at work, exploring how the failure to recognise the “qualified quiet” can result in a loss of good ideas and strategies within organisations. Dr Abi-Esber runs workshops and trainings to teach companies and teams how to optimise their meetings and teaches executives how to create environments where everyone feels able to participate, even if they have opposing views or dissenting opinions.
She uses experiments and computational social science methods, including natural language processing. In 2022, her work on constructive criticism was featured in the New York Times and the Washington Times.
Dr Abi-Esber previously worked as a product manager for mobile products in tech startups in emerging markets, as a researcher with the Government of Dubai, and as a research associate at the Behavioural Lab at Stanford's Graduate School of Business.
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